Vocabulary Comprehension

Choose the words with the correct definitions

  1. recent
  2. awkward
  3. category
  4. gather
  5. regretful
  6. ignore
  7. deny
  8. adore
  9. cuisine
  10. realize
  1. embarrassed or nervous
  2. to collect things or people from different places into one area
  3. feeling sad or sorry for something that’s lost, or that you missed out on
  4. describing something that has started or happened a short time ago
  5. to understand something you didn’t before; to recall something
  6. a type or way of cooking
  7. to claim something isn’t the truth
  8. to pay no attention to someone or something
  9. a grouping of things organized by type
  10. to like someone or something very much
  1. b. awkward embarrassed or nervous
  2. d. gather to collect things or people from different places into one area
  3. e. regretful feeling sad or sorry for something that’s lost, or that you missed out on
  4. a. recent describing something that has started or happened a short time ago
  5. j. realize to understand something you didn’t before; to recall something
  6. i. cuisine a type or way of cooking
  7. g. deny to claim something isn’t the truth
  8. f. ignore to pay no attention to someone or something
  9. c. category a grouping of things organized by type
  10. h. adore to like someone or something very much

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